Author name: Robert Delong

Head Editor at . Has a side hustle as a joke writer. Former professional dog walker and pet sitter.

Even Experienced Volunteers Shuddered, When They Saw Poor State Of This Dog

When employees of rescue organization “Hope For Paws” got a message about a homeless pit bull, dying under the bridge, they immediately went to see him. What they saw was horrible. The dog was suffering from hunger and dehydration, and his whole body was covered with ticks. Moreover, because of severe anemia the pitbull needed blood transfusion from another dog. Most of

Even Experienced Volunteers Shuddered, When They Saw Poor State Of This Dog Read More »

DOG’s Revenge: Kicked by driver for being in his parking bay returns with Friends & Trashes his car

DOG’s Revenge: Kicked by driver for being in his parking bay returns with Friends & Trashes his car They say you should let sleeping dogs lie – advice that one driver in China paid the price for ignoring. He drove back to his home in Chongqing to find a stray dog lying in his favourite

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Video : Rottweiler Guards and Protects 6 Year Old Girl from Creep

Rottweiler Protect Girl Brutus Maximus Gladiator Rottweiler Guards and Protects 6 year old girl from creep trying to steal candy. Creep tries to use piece of wood against Rottweiler but he is no match. The creep comes back a second time but runs off again like a coward. Thank god the Rottweiler was there to

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Unique Prove That Pitbull IS NOT Aggressive!

More than one hundred years ago, Americans used pitbull s as nannies for their kids. Are you surprised? Nowadays, we often see movies on TV, which tell about aggressive breeds, including pitbull s. But in fact, the problem is not in the animal. Everything depends on the training. We would like to debunk few common

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Human Takes His Dog On Epic Adventures, Proving That Dogs Are The Best Travel Buddies

Meet Aspen, Golden Retriever from Colorado, which proves that the dog is not just man’s best friend, but also unparalleled travel companion! he Takes His Dog On Epic Adventures Aspen lives with his owner and personal photographer Hunter Lawrence ( The dog loves kayaking, hiking, swimming in the crystal clear mountain lakes and going on a cruise. And Aspen

Human Takes His Dog On Epic Adventures, Proving That Dogs Are The Best Travel Buddies Read More »

Meet Loki, dog that likes to be wild and free

Our dogs give us so much happiness and joy. Instagram of a wolf dog named Loki became incredibly popular, because his life is a never-ending adventure. Looking at this life enjoying dog, you start to feel pity for other dogs, which were forced to live in small apartments or behind a high fence of a private house. Loki owner believes

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Court house dogs in Trinity County, CA

Oratory and public speaking are not easy for everybody, especially when it comes to evidence in the courtroom. In countries, where defendants have the right to confront their accusers, witnesses (especially young ones) are often under pressure. Ellen O’Neill Stephens and Celeste Wolsey, representatives of non-profit organization Court house dogs, believe that they have a solution: the

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Hot doctor and his husky are taking internet by storm

Meet doctor . Mike from New York and his husky Roxy, who take Internet by storm together. In Instagram Mike writes about himself that he is “a simple guy with a dog, alone against the whole world”. Many fans consider this couple of a doctor and his husky incredibly cute and cool.No wonder, this handsome man and

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This Terrified Homeless scared Dog’s Rescue Will Keep You On The Edge Of Your Seat

Abandoned dog was found on January 29, State of Georgia, USA. He was so thin and almost on the verge of death. But, fortunately,  veterinarian Andy Mathis found this poor scared dog  . He locked himself with a don in a cage and decided to make a joint breakfast to feed an animal and help to adapt

This Terrified Homeless scared Dog’s Rescue Will Keep You On The Edge Of Your Seat Read More »

Dog raises a baby Opossum after its mother was killed by a car

Opossum Poncho was found near his dead mother, which was hit by a car.  Nobody thought that weak and lonely Poncho will survive, but veterinarians managed to help him. However, he still needed his mother..Dog raises … Until he met a white German shepherd. Hunte didn’t have puppies, and Poncho lost his mother. Hunte doesn’t go out

Dog raises a baby Opossum after its mother was killed by a car Read More »

collie enjoys playing beach football with the owner and his friends

Black & white collie enjoys playing beach football We all love playing football… and our dogs love it too!  collie enjoys playing beach football  with the owner and his friends. Four-legged friend doesn’t just brilliantly hit the ball, but also does it way better than people do. Check out the video of a professional football player from

collie enjoys playing beach football with the owner and his friends Read More »

Watch how golden retriever Rani catches a fish

Golden retriever named Rani is a true fisherman! The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the U.S. The breed’s friendly, tolerant attitude makes him a fabulous family pet, and his intelligence makes him a highly capable working dog. Golden Retrievers excel at retrieving game for hunters, tracking, sniffing out drugs,

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Social experiment:how people will react on a dog being bitten on the street

Social experiment:how people will react on a dog being bitten on the street

how people will react on a dog being bitten on the street Two guys put a toy dog in a bag and pretended that they are beating the dog. They pre-recorded the dog barking and turned it on  at the moment of attacking a soft toy So what do you think? People expressed sympathy or tried to

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Airport Dog

Meet Piper The Adorable Airport Dog Who Keeps an Airport Runway from Birds

This is Piper  Airport Dog  a seven-year border collie. He is an employee of Cherry Capital Airport in Traverse City, Michigan, USA. Piper the Airport Dog  has to repel birds from runways, so they don’t interfere ups and landings of airplanes. Piper started working in the airport since January 2015, and nowadays he works from 4:00 am to

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Meet Quasimodo, cute but a little creepy , he looks like a human in a dog suit

Meet Quasimodo, a stray dog, which was found on  the streets of Kentucky and brought to the “Secondhand Hounds” shelter in Minnesota. Volunteers of the shelter thought that the dog has such a strange body because he lived in a close box. But when it comes to dogs with a shortened spine, the truth is that they are

Meet Quasimodo, cute but a little creepy , he looks like a human in a dog suit Read More »

crossbred dogs

Cutest crossbred dogs

Cutest crossbred dogs Pure-bred dogs are highly valued around the world, however, crossbred dogs can be as charming and delightful as their purebred brothers. Check out the nicest selection of dogs, whose parent belong to different species. These dogs are not just very cute, but also tend to have fewer health problems.   Australian Shepherd + Pomeranian  

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Dog Braces

Golden Retriever Got Dog Braces And He’s A Lot Happier With

Golden Retriever Got Dog Braces And He’s A Lot Happier With It Than Most Teens Written by: Sally Nassar Dogs and humans have a lot of things in common, they need regular check ups, special attention as well as their need for dentists! In our story, Wesley the cute pup’s bulging choppers wouldn’t allow him

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Walking your dog

Tips to ensure that you are walking your dog SAFELY and PROPERLY!

Here are some tips to ensure that you are walking your dog SAFELY and PROPERLY! Written by: Sally Nassar 1. Use A Short Leash We know that longer and retractable leashes sound cool -especially for your dog- but the truth is, they are not safe and decrease your level of controlling while walking your dog.

Tips to ensure that you are walking your dog SAFELY and PROPERLY! Read More »


How To Stop Your Dog From Digging In The Trash Can!

How To Stop Your Dog From Digging In The Trash Can! Written by: Sally Nassar Ever wondered why your belly stuffed dog love digging down your dumpster? To be able to answer your question, we started “digging” in the historical background of this animal and shifted some thousand years earlier when our ancestors domesticated wolves

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Best dog breeds for older people

Best dog breeds for older people Written by: Anastasia Spevakina Many older people need pets because they start to feel lonely with the age. A lovely, nice dog can brighten the loneliness and help to keep health as any dog requires regulars walks outdoors. Not every breed is suitable for older people. Usually they take

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Good nutrition for dogs: proteins

Good nutrition for dogs: proteins Written by: Anastasia Spevakina Protein is a structural component of all living things. Dogs require proteins for the basic functions of cells, including their regeneration and recovery, life support and the regulation of tissues, hormones and enzymes. Moreover, proteins will help your dog to maintain the water balance and provide the needed

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Aggressive behavior in dogs

Aggressive behavior in dogs Written by: Anastasia Spevakina Usually, when we raise puppies, we concern about their diet, lifestyle and willingness to perform our commands. “Bravery” of little doggies  doesn’t bother us, but when small puppies grow up and become aggressive and uncontrolled, it becomes a huge problem. Increased dog’s aggressiveness is caused by several reasons: poor

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Strongest dogs

Strongest dogs in the world

Strongest dogs in the world Written by: Anastasia Spevakina Strongest dogs in the world St. Bernard St. Bernards reach almost a meter in height and 90 kilograms of weight. These dogs were formed to rescue people in difficult conditions, and that’s why they collected all the best qualities – strength, courage, endurance, intelligence and humanity. The strongest dog

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How to teach a dog swimming

How to teach a dog swimming Written by: Anastasia Spevakina Swimming is a wonderful way to strengthen the dog’s immune system and raise the muscle tone. Because of its high energy consumption, swimming is also an excellent tool for natural weight loss. For dogs, living in urban areas and following a sedentary lifestyle, swimming will be an excellent cardio workout.

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Dog’s osteoarthritis: types, diagnosis, prevention

Dog’s osteoarthritis: types, diagnosis, prevention Written by: Anastasia Spevakina Osteoarthritis is the most common canine joint disease, which is characterized by imbalance between the processes of recovery and destruction of the cartilage in the bone beneath the cartilage and surrounding tissues (joint capsule, ligaments and muscles).Unfortunately, this disease greatly reduces the quality of dog’s life. There are 2

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Dog’s Dandruff : Causes, Treatment And Prevention

Dog’s Dandruff : Causes, Treatment And Prevention Written by: Anastasia Spevakina Dog’s dandruff is not just an aesthetic problem. It’s  a threat to the general state of the animal and his health. Dandruff occurs as a result of serious and important deviations in the dog’s health. If you notice that your dog has dandruff, don’t run to buy a

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Epileptic Spasms

Epileptic Spasms And Convulsions In Dogs

Epileptic Spasms And Convulsions In Dogs Written by: Anastasia Spevakina Convulsions are involuntary muscle contractions. And many owners don’t know what to do when  they see their dogs having Epileptic Spasms . It looks frightening and confusing, when you can’t even expect. Sometimes these spams can be a result of epilepsy, which is a sign of a neurological

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Dog’s Diarrhea: causes And treatment

Dog’s Diarrhea: causes And treatment Written by: Anastasia Spevakina Diarrhea is the most common digestive problem for dogs of all breeds. It often occurs as a result of poor nutrition and overeating. That’s why you have to know how to feed your dog in a right way, not to let him suffer. Sweets, spices, fat dishes, pastries –  in 90% of

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Physical Development Of Dogs : Rules And Methods

Physical Development Of Dogs : Rules And Methods Written by: Anastasia Spevakina Physical activity is good for everybody, without any exceptions. It helps to have a good physical shape, be less sick and live a long and healthy life. Dogs, which keep an active lifestyle, live longer.And adequate physical exercise is useful for dog’s mental comfort as

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